Creative Bathroom Remodel

The bathroom is one place where you can really let loose (pardon the pun), I mean creatively of course. Normally it’s the smallest room in the house so when you decide to do a bathroom makeover it shouldn’t be too overly complicated. Unlike some other more private rooms, your bathroom is surprisingly quite public, you can’t exactly restrict a guest from using it. This of course does not apply to any bathroom off a bedroom, if your lucky enough to have that.

But let’s stay focused on the guest main floor bathroom for this article. When it comes to bathroom remodels, the choices are now seemingly endless. Gone are the days where you had to choose between either a round or squared white porcelain sink. Now you can pretty much find all of your bathroom materials in everything ceramics, to metals, glasses, and stone. Bathtubs are basically whirlpools nowadays, unless you opt for a good old fashion antique look, then you want to go with the tub (you’ll need a few people to carry this in as they weigh a ton). Showers can now basically be transformed into mini saunas, with a digital gauge showing you the temperature of your water. And modern day light fixtures look more like abstract art that should be in a museum. All of that being said more simply, you have choices.

Before you fully commit to a certain style or look be sure to do your research. Don’t copy one persons idea completely of course, but scour the internet, magazines, local hardware stores for your ideas. Try taking a little from a few different places to come up with something more unique to who you are and what you want.