Whenever we redecorate or re-design our dining room, we often spend a hefty amount of money in order to get the best results right? That’s very understandable though because you worked hard for it and you deserve nothing short of absolute best. But here’s the thing, not all of us have enough money to hire a designer that will give us the kind of outcome we want. Good thing the world invented the DIY scheme. Renovating the look yourself can already save a lot of money because there’s no need to pay for a designer, but that’s just a small fraction of the whole picture. There are a lot of things you need to consider: the color scheme, lighting and furniture among some. And most often than not, we always think that in order to get an elegant result we must invest on pricey things. But the truth is, we don’t have to break the bank in order to get a chic and modern looking dining room. All we need to do is be creative and resourceful.
Remove Excess Things – Some dining rooms are almost always stuffed with excess things that we don’t really need when we eat. What you can do is to remove unnecessary stuff such as extra chairs, work papers and notebook that you or your fellow members may have left around.
Go To A Thrift Store – Going to thrift stores, garage sales and even a flea market are a great option if you’re buying a dining room set. Aside from their uniqueness and the endless possibility of what you might get, they cost less than brand new ones.
Put A Chandelier – If you have an unused chandelier in your living room or in your hallway, you can transfer it to your dining room. Hang it directly above the center of the dining table in order to give it an elegant and intimate look.
Be Creative – If you have a knack on making things look more beautiful than they actually are then this is absolutely your time. You can do that by hand painting your chairs and even your table’s legs, making them look more personalized.
Use Aromatic Candles – Another effective way to elevate an entire dining room’s look is to use aromatic candles. Just make sure that their scents are not strong enough or else they’ll mix in with the smell of the food. What you need is an inviting smell in the air that will make the area look more pleasant.