Ideas For Remodeling Small Bathrooms

If your looking to remodel a small bathroom, but can’t exactly start knocking down walls to enlarge it, the  you need to set your expectations within limit. Sure there are things you can do to make the space appear bigger, but at the end of the day the measurements won’t change. The idea of the bathroom has changed somewhat over the years, its transitioned form a place of simple necessity to its own little private sanctuary. So despite the are you have to work with, your still entitled to a tranquil bathroom that can sometimes be used to get away from the everyday. Here are 5 ideas on how to maximize that tiny space and make it feel a little less claustrophobic.

  • Say bye bye to your bathtub-I know, how can I relax without being able to lay in my bubble bath. Well, many modern showers these days are equipped with much more then a shower head. Some have sauna like steam jets that can give you complete comfort and relaxation without taking up so much space.
  • A Corner Shower-If you already have a shower but no tub, you may want to relocate it into the corner. This can save a lot of space.
  • In Wall Cabinets and Shelves-This of course depends on whats on the other side of those walls.
  • Shelving and Fixtures-There are so many options when it comes to shelving and fixtures. Shop around keeping in mind what you have to work with and I guarantee you will safe a lot of space

Hope this helps. If not, you can always move into a new place with a bigger bathroom!