Keeping Your Hardwood Floor Shiny

Besides being strong and durable, hardwood floors are also gorgeous and when cleaned well give a room a perfect shiny glow. Furthermore, hardwood flows are pretty easy to maintain, and they attract less dust. However, getting them to keep the sheen can sometimes become tricky, and without the glow, they seem to lose their charm. Use the following tips to you maintain the glow and keep your floor beautiful

  1. Dust the floor before mopping

Dust and other dirt residue prevent the floor from glowing. The effect is even worse if you decide to wipe the floor without getting rid of the dust. For this reason, you should always sweep first before mopping to get a perfectly shining floor. While sweeping ensure what you are using will not damage the floor finishing; you can use a dust mop.

  • Use Buffer after mopping

To give your floor the perfect glow, there are steps that you need to follow. The first one as said, is to sweep or dust the floor, secondly is to mop it, then the last step is to buff the floor. You can use a floor buffer or microfiber cloth; either of which will give you perfect results and your floor will glow.

  • Regular refinishing of the Hardwood

The finishing that is used on the hardwood that gives it the glow is not permanent. Therefore, depending on the traffic on the floor, the finishing will slowly wear out, and when it does, the floor will hardly shine. So, if you have been trying to keep your floor shiny, to no avail, then the finishing might be worn, and therefore, you should consider refinishing it.

  • Do not over wax your floor

Even though waxing is essential and it preserves the floor, too much of it will give undesired results. Frequent waxing of the floor dulls the wood’s finishing, making it hard to get it to shine. If you have to wax your floor then do it ones a year, or if too much then twice. However, if you are used to frequent waxing and the damage is already done, you can use commercial products or simply vinegar, to strip off the wax.

  • Keep shoes off the floor

Shoes quicken the wearing off the hardwood finishing, and the more the finishing wears out, the less easier it becomes to make it shine. For this reason, you can avoid walking on the floor with shoes. Set a shoe rack by the door and make your kids or friends place their shoes there instead of getting in the house with them.