Featured Renovations

DIY Home Décor for Pets

Once you have pets, they cease to become animals and become more like a member of the family. Just as...

Decorating Your Living Room in a Budget

Only the rich and famous can get away with insurmountable bills  that come with outrageously-priced furniture and home decor; but...

A Classic, Modern Living Room

Your living room is a place where a lot of social interactions happen, a place for spending time with family,...

For Your Inspiration

DIY Vintage Bathroom

If you can afford it, going with a vintage bathroom is a must. Your bathroom is your own little self...

Sewing Machines Plus – Sew Your Own Curtains and More

Have you always wanted to give a personal touch to something, perhaps your curtains, but you can’t because you lack...

Stairwell Decor Ideas

A crucial yet all too often overlooked area of your home is easily your stairwell. Most of us neglect it...

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